Curriculum Vitae
Minji Kim
University of California-San Diego (UCSD)
B.S., Electrical Engineering - Communications Theory
B.S., Mathematics (Honors with Distinction)
Minor, Music - Violin Performance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
M.S., Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering
Teaching Experiences
Teaching Assistant, UCSD ECE 101: Linear Systems Fundamentals (1/2012-3/2012)
Teaching Assistant, UIUC ECE 398BD: Making Sense of Big Data (3/2014-4/2014)
Voluntary Math and Computer Tutor, Urbana Adult Education Center (8/2015-5/2017)
Instructor, UCSD ECE 109: Engineering Probability and Statistics (8/2017-9/2017)
Certified Instructor, Software Carpentry (1/2019-)
[Tentative] Co-Instructor, UM BIOINF 531: Probability and Statistics for Bioinformatics (1/2025-5/2025)
Awards and Honors
Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi Member (2009-)
Gordon Scholarship for Excellent Leadership (2011)
UCSD Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Best Teaching Assistant Award (2012)
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (2014-2017)
Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalist (2016)
Rising Stars in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Invitation (2016)
National Institutes of Health (NIH) K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award (2021-2026)